Jon Nelson, PE

Jon Nelson

Jon is a professional civil engineer with over a decade of experience managing a wide range of challenging and complex infrastructure projects. He has overseen the construction of roadways, tunnels, dams and reservoirs, water treatment and distribution systems, sanitary sewer mains and lift stations, drainage structures and irrigation facilities, as well as commercial developments and residential subdivisions. In addition to construction management, Jon is also proficient in cost estimating and budgeting for civil infrastructure projects and has a proven track record of completing projects safely, timely, and efficiently. His diverse experience and established relationships with engineers, contractors, and suppliers throughout the industry allow him to bring intelligent and pragmatic solutions to our clients. 

Kassey WestRinG, PE

Kassey Westring

Kassey brings ten years of professional civil engineering experience to North Fork Engineering. Her previous work for a small engineering firm allowed Kassey to be involved numerous aspects of project design and administration. During the design process she surveyed, performed engineering, obtained necessary permits from multiple agencies, wrote studies and reports, developed cost estimates, and worked closely with municipal and private clients. Kassey’s design experience includes water supply and transmission lines, streets and roads, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers. In addition to completing several ASCE, PSMJ, and ACEC training programs and seminars, she is also a 2010 graduate of the Leadership Wyoming program.